Making a Plan for School Transitions


Preparing to transition to a new school is an exciting time, but it can also be difficult for children with special needs. As a network of private, Catholic K-8 schools for children with learning and social differences, this is a challenge our students have often faced before coming to us. At Julie Billiart Schools we build executive functioning, self-regulation, and self-advocacy into everything we do to help our students when they transition here.
Before making the transition to a new school, here are some things you should consider:

Make a transition plan with your child, what will be the same/different

— Environment

— Academic demands

— Lunchroom

— Teachers

— Support systems

Have a conversation with your child about transitioning to a new school

Communicate openly
with your child

There should be ongoing
discussions with your child

Address challenges now,
don’t wait

Navigating social changes

Plan a playdate to help your child adjust to the new environment

Keep “old back-to-school

Be realistic about the
upcoming challenge

No problem now could become
a problem later, be prepared

Transitioning to a new school can be especially challenging for students with special needs. Changes in routines, environments, and support systems can be overwhelming. New faces, unfamiliar expectations, and sensory adjustments can increase anxiety and frustration. However, with the right support, students with special needs can successfully navigate this transition and find success in their new school environment.

By Julie Billiart School