By Lindsey Geiss
The name Planet Joy suggests an otherworldly realm of happiness where one might be transported.
While this collaborative working art studio is a place on Earth, Planet Joy (689 W. Liberty St. in Medina) is indeed transformative, enhancing the lives of artists with developmental differences while sharing the beauty of the individuals with the world through their art.
Just walk through its major exhibit of 27 bright, bold pieces at the 1,500-square-foot Summa Health Gallery in Akron, and one will see firsthand the art’s healing powers for patients, visitors and staff alike.
Debbie ApplePresser, of Cleveland Heights, has been studio manager since Planet Joy opened in 2019.
“Someone said to me, ‘Did you ask them to create art that was happy?’ I said, ‘Absolutely not; this is what comes out of them!’ The beauty of it is their choices,” she shares.
Nine dedicated artists in their 30s through 60s work at Planet Joy each week. They are encouraged — and free — to create and do what speaks to them on their own schedule. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, the room is abuzz with creative chatter, movement of supplies, music, laughter and even dance.
The studio encourages adults with developmental differences to explore their imagination and creativity through the arts. With the teachings and direction of other professional artists, Planet Joy artists improve their skills, knowledge and ability to express themselves with various mediums, including painting, drawing, silk screening, art installation and more.
While all nine artists collaborate on some projects, like a large wall mural at the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities headquarters, ApplePresser notes the studio nurtures individual interests, styles and strengths, highlighting Carl Roberts’ circles, Maureen Conley’s spotted giraffes, Anthony Burkett’s mythical creatures, and Jason Stanton’s silk screening and transfer drawings.
While ApplePresser provides instruction on the use of materials and specific techniques, the artists’ work is their own, and they maintain the studio themselves.
“I encourage them to help each other and ask each other questions,” she says. “I guide, but they drive [the creative process].”
She has support from a part-time volunteer assistant, but “the hope is to be open every day with support from individuals who are trained in art, know their way around a studio and are comfortable working with a lot of different materials and personalities.”
Moreover, the artists are paid for their studio time and earn 20 percent commission on work sold, with other profits supporting the program.
“What art has done for them is just beautiful,” ApplePresser says. “It has strengthened confidence and independence. The money is validating.”
Additionally, ApplePresser brings in visiting artists to introduce Planet Joy artists to people doing art for a living. She also draws on her own experience as a lifelong artist, from opening and running one of the first art galleries in Cleveland’s Little Italy to working as an artist/educator at the Cleveland Museum of Art.
“I want them to learn vocabulary, gain insight and speak to the artists, and they do,” she says. “The conversations are great.”
Planet Joy is also part of Intervention for Peace, a family-owned-and-operated agency providing services in Medina County to individuals with developmental disabilities since 1994 through the Individual Options Waiver Program. In the day program, Peaceworks partners with local Medina businesses to offer gainful employment opportunities. In addition to Planet Joy, Peaceworks programs include Spokes Café (a partnership with Cool Beans Café) and the Sprouts of Peace Community Garden horticulture vocational program.
Artwork is available for sale online and via regular shows and exhibits around the community, in addition to commissioned pieces. Prices typically range from $70 to $135 for larger work. The Botanical Gardens will feature Planet Joy art in September 2024. Wall art, umbrellas, clothing, baby blankets, tea towels, table runners and more adorn many homes and businesses, from law firms to salons.
ApplePresser often hears purchasers say, “This piece speaks to me, and I have to have it.”
“This is a gift, not a job,” she says. “I once heard an artist say, ‘You know it’s us and them in this world,’ and I thought, ‘I am blurring that line.’ What an opportunity this is for the public to meet and become more educated about this population.”
“Making and selling my art work for others makes me proud. Planet Joy Studio is a happy place to work. Everyone compliments each other on how well they are doing.”
— Maureen Conley
“Creating art makes me feel good. I like to give back to people through my art. My brother is a graphic designer, my cousin and mom are illustrators, and I took on their gifts also.”
— Anthony Burkett
“Planet Joy makes me happy and more calm… When I make a piece of art I feel confident. When I finish a piece of art I feel proud. I look forward to coming to Planet Joy every week.”
— Gary Fromm
“I love to paint best. Painting makes me happy and makes me smile. My love for Planet Joy starts with my instructor, and she encourages me to do my best.”
— Justin Glas
“I have learned from Debbie how to draw and paint. Making art at Planet Joy makes me happy and proud.”
— Gina Montellanico
“Creating art makes me happy. My mom, dad, sister and brother inspire me to create the art I do. Debbie encourages me to do the art I do and I like being in Planet Joy.”
— Ben Petras
“It makes me feel good to work here. I have learned to draw elephants, giraffes and birds, and it feels good to get my work done.”
— Carl Roberts
“Creating makes me feel perfect and having great ideas… Good painters inspire me, like Picasso.”
— Jason Stanton
“I love art. Planet Joy makes me happy… I learned a lot of different media techniques.”
— Brandi Villoni
Interested artists may call 330-725-1298 to arrange an interview. Pending invitation, artists work at the studio on a trial basis initially. While all are welcome, current Planet Joy artists are independently mobile and communicative. Transportation is available for Medina County residents. For more information on Planet Joy and Peaceworks, including employment opportunities, visit peaceworksteam.com or contact Day Program (Peaceworks) Manager Rachel Green at rgreen@ifpeace.com or 330-725-1298. rgreen@ifpeace.com