The first three years of life are the most important for a child’s physical, mental and emotional growth. Early intervention services for young children with a qualifying medical diagnosis or developmental delay are available from the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities (Cuyahoga DD). With planning from Bright Beginnings, Cuyahoga DD helps young children get the best possible start in life. Applying for services now can reduce needs for special education later. If you are looking for more Ohio intervention services, visit Help Me Grow, helpmegrow.ohio.gov.
The Family Supports Program can help caregivers seeking assistance to purchase certain goods and services. It provides funding for many items and services including respite care, leisure and recreation program fees, and incontinence supplies. This Cuyahoga Board DD program provides funding to children and adults of all income levels who are 1) eligible for Cuyahoga DD services and 2) living at home with a family member or on their own. Eligible individuals can receive between $750 – $1,500 per year.
Live outside of Cuyahoga County? Call your county board about their Family Supports Program.
Assistive technology is a great option for people with developmental disabilities who want to live on their own in a supported environment. TryTech Apartments, in the heart of Lakewood, are smart apartments in an integrated building on a short-term lease, where people can try tools and technology they might want to use in their future daily home life for mealtimes, entertainment, security, well-being, self-care and more. During and after their stay, Cuyahoga DD support administrators and assistive technology staff will assess their needs and determine next steps for achieving the goal of independent living.
Cuyahoga DD offers many programs and services that help people with Developmental Disabilities (DD) to live their best life. To learn more, please call Cuyahoga DD at 216-241-8230 or visit cuyahogabdd.org.