If you missed this amazing program- we were able to record it!
Check it out
Recording Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/LJnLwlxAPxVEXFEE98SQkDXh3mWPRxJcUPAYsMJqDUICLYOO5aocdmyf0WwBNy7d.lz_MrEaTuTd-4uRE
Learn about SSI & SSDI Benefits for People with Disabilities
What is Supplemental Security Income vs. Social Security Disability Income? Could my
loved one be eligible? How do we apply? What kind of bank account is needed? What is
a “Rep Payee”? Families, people with disabilities, and professionals are welcome. We will
The difference between SSI and SSDI
Who is eligible and how to apply
What is needed to receive benefits
Other helpful resources
Speakers: Barbara Judah, Director of Benefits and Employment Services, Linking
Employment, Abilities and Potential (LEAP)
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Location: Zoom
Questions? Contact: wendy@livespecial.com