Adoption Circle
Adoption Circle
Adoption Circle was founded in November, 1991 by three social workers and two attorneys.
The three social workers, Lucie Blumenthal, Susan Brewer and Nancy Burley are still with the Agency today.
Adoption Circle completed its first placement in the spring of 1992 and has been an active private child placement agency (PCPA) in Ohio ever since. The Agencyrsquos main office has always been in Franklin County with its first home being in Bexley, Ohio. Many of our clients remember coming to our lower level office with no windows. The light from the smiles of our adoptive families brought sunshine down into the basement for nearly sixteen years.
The building that housed our office at 2500 East Main Street, Bexley, Ohio 43209 was sold and we needed to move. Off we went to an office in downtown Columbus, with windows. Our families that had been in our first office say that our staff earned their way into the daylight.
Adoption Circle is blessed with a caring and compassionate staff. Most importantly, someone from our staff is always available to speak with a Birthparent in need. If there is any emergency, the agency Administrator, Nancy Burley, is only a phone call away.
We hope you enjoy your journey through our website to learn more about Adoption Circle. Adoption Circle has been a leader in diligently working to preserve the rights of Birthparents and children to ensure emotionally healthy and legally sound adoptions. Through compassionate and caring counseling we have been able to assist Birthparents and Adoptive Parents to design an adoption plan that they believe is in their childrsquos best interest. This is our commitment to you and your child.
400 South Fifth Street Suite 304 Columbus, Ohio 43215