Advanced Behavioral Therapy

ABA Therapy- up to 21 years old

  • Home Based
  • School Based
  • Center Based

Full day and 1/2-day programs 2-6 years old

At Advanced Behavioral Therapy, we are dedicated to your child’s advancement and growth.
So helping your child make solid, steady progress in their development is our top priority. 

We know the kind of positive changes ABA can make to children’s lives, and while there is no known cure for ASD, ABA therapy has been shown, for years, to improve the quality of life for children with developmental challenges and those who love them.

At Advanced Behavioral Therapy we value each child’s unique profile. We teach your child the way they learn best! Our treatment plans are tailored to your child and their specific desired outcomes.

We provide highly trained, professional therapists who are passionate about what they do and devoted to helping your child grow. And because we know the value of a family-focused approach, we make sure you, as parents, learn the therapist’s methods, so you can help your child make progress faster.

Provider Information
Malky Dym
216-508-0222 or 888-830-1672
2000 Auburn Drive, Suite 200, Beachwood OH 44122