Bala Management- Main Office

We provide compassionate care to clients with a wide variety of needs.

Direct Support Professionals work with individuals with mental or developmental disabilities by creating behavior plans, teaching self-care skills, cooking meals and doing laundry. Additional duties may include:

  • Assisting clients with daily personal tasks, including bathing and dressing.
  • Completing housekeeping tasks such as vacuuming, washing dishes and tidying.
  • Helping plan client appointments and organize a schedule.
  • Organizing with transportation arrangements to appointments.
  • Shopping for groceries and preparing meals that meet specific client dietary needs.
  • Encouraging client engagement in social networks and communities.

Adult Day Support (sometimes called “Day Hab” or “Adult Day Array”) helps a person build connections in their community. With this service, people can learn:

  • How to meet and talk with new people.
  • What activities are in their community.
  • How to get places independently.
  • Learn what jobs are available in their area.
Provider Information

1382 & 1386 Broadway Ave., Masury, OH 44438