Cleveland Treatment Center
Cleveland Treatment Center was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1972 and is certified by the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addictions Services. The CTC, one of the largest freestanding chemical dependency facilities in Ohio, employs 27 staff, with the capacity to serve 350 clients. Cleveland Treatment Center is funded by the Center for Substance Abuse reatment, the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services, the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Board of Cuyahoga, the City of Cleveland Workforce Development Act Area II, the City of Cleveland Department of Health. CTC a fully accredited service provider in Northeast Ohio by the Commission on Accreditation on Rehabilitation of Facilities (CARF) as an Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) and Prevention/Diversion: Alcohol and other Drug Addictions- Adults Program.
The mission of the Cleveland Treatment Center is to improve the health and well-being of residents of Northeast Ohio by providing state-of-the-art,cost effective, abstinence-based drug treatment, prevention, and health promotion services.
The Cleveland Treatment Centerrsquos values are reflected in our day-to-day activities as an organization designed to be about the business of providing quality services to our patients. The values we cherish most include the following:
Respect will be offered to all clients, colleagues, stakeholders and the community at large.
Integrity: the professional and personal conduct of our staff, consistently will reflect our code of business and professional ethics. Violators will be reported without fear of reprisal, thereby not participating in a ldquocode of silence.rdquo
Diversity of Appreciation: We appreciate the value of cultural diversity and further the understanding of cultural differences through education, communication and sharing of culture-specific celebrations and recognitions.
Excellence: We will take individual responsibility for our performance and constantly strive for excellence by seeking opportunities to learn and improve our competency, making our organization strong and better as a provider of care and a place to work.
We, the Cleveland Treatment Center Staff, will provide specialized, state-of-the-art, scientifically-based substance abuse treatment, which is continuously responsive to the needs of the clients and their families.
L.C.Collins, Executive Director
1127 Carnegie Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115