Coleman Professional Services, Inc.

Coleman provides vocational and supported training for individuals struggling with behavioral health issues.

Coleman offers immediate assistance to customers, a 24-hour crisis and pre-screening provides around-the-clock adult and youth behavioral health crisis intervention services on a walk-in or telephone basis to persons in Portage County. These services, now offered through Coleman Access Services, have since expanded to Stark, Trumbull and Medina Counties.

Coleman Data Solutions, provides persons recovering from mental illness opportunities for job training and employment. It is currently the largest data management service in Ohio.

Coleman offers residential group homes and supportive living facilities to provide safe and affordable community housing across Portage and Medina Counties through Coleman Residential Services..

In January 2011, Coleman Professional Services began providing behavioral health services to three west central counties, Allen, Auglaize and Hardin. The Mental Health Recovery Services Board for AAH voted to switch the provider to Coleman Professional Services and CPS was honored to begin providing services to the adults in need. Services provided include: mental health counseling services, psychiatry services, crisis intervention services, and alcohol and other drug services. Coleman Professional Services now provides seven counties with behavioral health care around Ohio.


Provider Information

5982 Rhodes Road Kent, OH 44240