Community Counseling Center - Conneaut

  • Vision StatementCommunity Counseling Center will be recognized as a premier provider of quality behavioral health care services that utilizes evidence-based practices, offers integrated health care solutions, and seeks to broaden community access to treatment.

    Values Statement

    Our services will protect the dignity and privacy of the persons served; respond to community diversity through culturally sensitive and consumer-focused care; and target outcomes that satisfy the consumer and demonstrate program effectiveness.

    Our staff will be friendly, courteous and efficient; observe the highest ethical and practice standards; respond with empathy and compassion to the needs of the individuals we serve, and; be committed to staying up to date with behavioral health sciences and current best practices.

    Our service sites will be accessible to all individuals; safe, hospitable and well-organized, and; governed by business practices that are efficient, accountable and honest.

    Our management practices will promote respect and dignity among staff; encourage continuing professional development; support staff participation in community activities important to the well-being of our agency; promote a broad-based partnership of coordinated community care.

    Community Counseling Center is a private non-profit agency. Certified by Ohio MHAS (Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services) and accredited by CARF International.

Provider Information
Paul Bolino
216 Main St., Suite D Conneaut, Ohio 44030