Council for Exceptional Children - Ohio

The Council for Exceptional Children/Ohio advocates for the rights of individuals with exceptionalities. All persons have unique needs and differing learning abilities. The CEC/Ohio is especially committed to an effective and comprehensive educational service delivery system based on best practice and research. All persons have common rights and therefore CEC/Ohio promotes a positive quality of life for all persons.

Our Mission:

  • To provide services to chapters, subdivisions, and members through conferences and conventions, publications, and opportunities which support personal and professional growth.
  • To advocate for and promote a positive awareness of individuals with exceptionalities.
    To promote collaboration among parents, professionals and others who work with individuals with exceptionalities.
  • To recruit and retain professionals and others to work with children, youth, and adults with exceptionalities.
  • To recruit members (professionals, paraprofessionals, parents, college students, high school students, and others, including members of ethnic and minority groups) through active membership campaigns and personal contact
Provider Information

1945 N High St, 333 Arps Hall Columbus, OH, 43210 United States