Deaf Life
DEAF LIFE is the nationrsquos premier independent Deaf monthly. Itrsquos available in a compact format (15 x 21 cm, or 6″ x 8.25″—easy to carry and tuck into a messenger bag or purse). Each month brings you 48 to 64 pages crammed with exciting features and visual appeal—profiles of newsmakers, coverage of current events, opinions, excursions through our rich Deaf history. Our features reflect the diversity of personalities and opinions in and outside the Deaf community. DEAF LIFE is for deaf readers who want to know whatrsquos going on—and for hearing readers who want to better understand the Deaf community and its culture. DEAF LIFE entertains, educates, and informs!
Regular features include: ldquoDeaf People in History,rdquo ldquoDeaf People in Action,rdquo ldquoDeaf Person of the Month,rdquo ldquoFriends of Deaf People,rdquoldquoDeafView,rdquo ldquoDeaf Almanac,rdquo ldquoDeaf Trivia,rdquo ldquoBest of DeafNotes,rdquo and ldquoFor Hearing People Only.rdquo More features, such as ldquoImprove Your Foreign Language: English!rdquo are planned.