I Care Connect
- Care Sensory Preschool
- Special Needs Preschool Program with a focus in Autism Spectrum Disorder & Down Syndrome
- Managing your childs IEP
- has services-
- ABA Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Speach Therapy
- Music Therapy
- Behavior Health
- Psychologist
- Recreational Therapist
- Occuparional Therapy
- IEP Specialist
They Accept Vouchera and Scholorships
Math program, Literacy asnd so much more…
Before and After Care
Provider Information
Maria Ligon
216-769-5437 ext 706
468 Richmond Rd., #A, Richmond Heights, OH 44143
Maria Ligon
216-769-5437 ext 706
468 Richmond Rd., #A, Richmond Heights, OH 44143