Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Bellefaire JCB
In our own lives, each one of us was touched by someone – other than our parents – who introduced us to new worlds and brought a little magic into our lives. By becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister, you can do the same for a child. And you will both forever be changed by the experience.
Put a little magic into a childrsquos life! A ldquoBigrdquo provides a ldquoLittlerdquo with an increased sense of self-confidence and belonging, which often leads a Little to develop enhanced communication skills and improve their performance at home and in school. Bigs and Littles have fun together and, ultimately, the volunteer benefits while truly making a difference in the life of a child.
216.320.8483 or 800.879.2522
One Pollock Circle 22001 Fairmount Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44118