Philomatheon Society of the Blind
The Philomatheon Society of the Blind was founded in 1924. Its purpose has been to promote the welfare of the blind of Stark County; its success rests on the determination of this group to help blind men, women and children fulfill their roles as productive citizens of our community.
When the Society was originally formed there were 18 charter members. Today approximately 60 members make up the Philomatheon Society. They are complimented by a 9 member Board of Directors, a majority of who must be blind.
The Society’s activities, which cover a broad range of services provided to the Stark county community, are centered at the Society’s Office at 2701 West Tuscarawas Street, Canton, OH
A number of people in our community work as volunteers for the Society, helping supervise and keep its activities flourishing. Included in this group are representatives of various professional groups who actively seek to improve and expand the scope of The Philomatheon Society.
It’s important to note the Society receives no funds from taxes or federal, state, or local agencies. The keystone at its continued growth is the generous support of the community and continuing commitment of the blind to remain active community members.
The real story behind The Philomatheon organization is people helping other people. Blind people helping others who are blind. Members offering a range of services to the community in an effort to remain self sufficient. Community businesses and organizations along with community leaders contributing their time and talent to make the Society one of the best… for its members and for its community.
The Social Hall, dedicated to Harry A. Stiller and the Education Room, dedicated to Barbara Schreiber provide a ready facility for the social, recreational and education activities of the Society. These include meetings, special member activities, community educational events, and special dinners. Regular social activities of the Society also include events like the Annual Cookout and Holiday Dinner.
Activity Classes
Braile Classes
Talking Book Programs
Visual Aids
and more…