Ursuline College FOCUS Program

The FOCUS program provides students with documented disabilities with a comprehensive support program while at Ursuline College. The FOCUS program is aimed at: Helping students make the transition into college life. Guiding students to the appropriate campus resources.

Working with students on self-advocacy. Developing strategies with students to apply to academic success. Examples include: time management, organization, and study skills.
All stages/levels of support include: Individual orientation into the program, Co-advising on academic courses and majors, Priority registration for classes, Assistance connecting with tutors, Mid-term progress monitoring and communication with faculty, Academic and social support
To be eligible to participate in the FOCUS program, students must first meet the admissions requirements of Ursuline College and be accepted to the college. Students must also have a diagnosed disability and provide the Disability Specialist with supporting documentation of their disability. Please contact the Disability Specialist for more details regarding documentation.
Provider Information
Beth Thompson
2550 Lander Rd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124