Willow Farms
Willow Farms is a unique vocational and therapeutic program for children and young adults diagnosed with autism or related developmental differences. The program uses student interests and strengths to drive educational and community programming, while providing skills that will help them gain meaningful employment experiences.
While at Willow Farms, the students have access to animal care, horticulture, creative arts, and farm planning and maintenance. Academic and IEP instruction is primarily experiential and occurs while participating in daily farm activities as well as meaningful community experiences.
Whether it’s grooming the horses, collecting eggs, making soaps, taking photographs, or other in-season activities, students are an integral part of every aspect of Willow Farms! Students also have the option to participate in horseback riding, hiking, fishing and other leisure activities provided at the farm. In addition, students in any of the STEPS programs have access to the farm and participate in either periodic field trips or weekly visits.